The End Of Us

Welcome to The Loquacious Writes! 

I write poetry sometimes sitting in my room,
lying on the couch or moving around in my home. Thoughts wander through me like a mosiac of different emotions. The poem that I am going to share with you today is one of the poems that I have put less thought into 'cause they came to me so instantly and out of the blue. 

Go ahead and read my poem 'The End of Us'

The End Of Us.

I met you in a bar
or was it a café?
I don't remember,
but I remember you
were standing at a table
with people all around you.
You didn't see me but I saw you,
drinking from your glass,
putting your arm around another woman's waist,
pulling her towards you and kissing her face.

I met you in a car,
you were driving to somewhere
and I wanted to go there too.
Was I really going there or did I change
my destination 'cause of you?
I don't remember but I remember you
stopping by the front porch of my
sister's house, it was raining
and I didn't have an umbrella,
so you offered me a lift.
You stopped the car and looked at me,
this is how we had our first kiss. 

I savoured the taste of you till
you pulled away and all there was
left were just pieces of us.
I loved you as you changed seasons
and became a stranger
I could no longer call mine.
You loved me without reasons
but you could hold us no longer together
so you left before it was even time.

After all this time and our histories intertwined,
I'll meet you in a crowded bar
and your eyes will search for me in the crowd
till they'll find what they were looking for.
My eyes will burn into yours with a question
"Have you moved on?"
You'll lift your head a little and look away.

I'll turn around and walk away, forever.

-The Loquacious Writes


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