Pictures, Aesthetics and Our Lives.

Today, I am going to talk about something that's controversial but also something that I wanted to write about since time immemorial. 

|| Pictures, Aesthetics & Our Lives ||

If everyone around us looked like the Instagram Filters and their aesthetics, none of us would have any problems living in this world. Perhaps, living in this arena could have been more easy. Everyone would, hopefully fit into the box designated to them by the society. But the reality is, we do not look like the IG filters, we do not look like the preferred and widely accepted "aesthetics". We look like just as who we are. With acne scars, facial hair, pores and skin texture. This does not mean we should stop using filters, but to recognise that fine line between fictional and real life.

We all love pictures, looking at pictures, taking a picture but what we don't realise is that, a picture is just that- a picture. It's not the whole truth, it's a moment stolen from time to beat it by proving human competency. We take a picture for the old time's sake, to try and relive a moment once it turns into history. So why obsess over a picture? Why care about filtering it tons of times to look a certain way when in reality you are more beautiful than what the world tells you?

The concepts of "ugly" and "beautiful" were made by someone who was privileged enough to think of themselves as the dear God. Maybe it wasn't just a single person but a group of people who thought alike. Who knows? But We need to realise that these concepts are just as fictional as the aesthetics and the filters, we have learnt to see ourselves through. No one is beautiful enough to not commit any crimes and no one is ugly enough to not be a saint. We are all, more or less, the same. Everyone of us is beautiful in our own ugly ways. When we edit our pictures and get surgeries done what we forget is the fact that we are doing all of it to satisfy the beauty standards and to fit into a non existent box. It's in those moments when we realise that we are self sabotaging ourselves, that we are feeding into the very narrative meant to completely destroy us.

Your beauty belongs to you and your way of feeling beautiful belongs to you too. No one can control how you should feel about yourself. No one deserves that kind of domination over your opinions and concepts of self.

Aesthetics are good but do remember the thin line that we all need to respect. Before you sit to look through your pictures and decide to filter them, ask yourself- "Am I editing this because there's an acne scar that everyone can see?", "Am I editing this because I don't like my nose in this picture?", or "Am I editing this picture because I look tanned."

Watch for your answers and if you say yes to the questions that highlight any of your facial features in particular, maybe you need to rethink your choices.

- The Loqaucious Writes


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