A Miserable Town

Here's a Gothic but sad poem for you! 
A Miserable Town'

When the night is dark 
and the hour hand rests on twelve,
that's when all the sorrow leaks 
from the cracks of unopened windows. 

Like a sunflower's petals,
all the wounds cut themselves open
to the darkness that resides only at this hour. 

A silhouette appears in the dark
covered with what looks like a blanket
of hurt and misery. 

You can't see the face,
but you can recognise it's agony 

There comes the weeping sound 
of the old lady who lives alone
‘cause she lost her son to the battlefield. 

Listen carefully and you can hear
the unified cries of everyone behind
the closed windows of this 
miserable town. 

Each soaking in the sadness of their losses,
finally, when the sky turns black 
and there's nothing left to do. 

The closed windows now open up
and there's nothing to see 
but only angst to feel. 

When the night turns black
and the hour hand rests on twelve,
the town turns into a horrific place 
which seems more like a home
than a fragment of an age old fantasy. 

The dawn arises,
all the pain ceases to exist 
as if it has never been here,
and all the aggrieved residents go to hide
inside their hollow houses, once again. 

-The Loquacious Writes


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