Who Am I?

I warmly welcome all my readers on this blog! Do you know how happy you make me when you visit this blog and read everything I write? You don't? Then I am here to tell you that I am so happy you exist and so happy for the fact that you make me feel seen here! 

So, coming back to what I am here to share today. I know I said that I will post about women and womanhood but I am not going to continously post about it (I am afraid, it will be monotonous for my readers.) 

Today's poem is a little different, it is based around identity crisis and it's inspiration is drawn from 'Alice in wonderland'. Hope you like and resonate with it. Um, I have nothing much to say about it. So, Go ahead and read it! 

Who Am I?

Who in the world am I?
Ah, that's the great puzzle.

Am I the giant my enemies say I am,
Or Am I the rabbit my friends say I am?

Am I the lovely garden of flowers,
Or Am I the thorns to the roses?

Am I the slippery road in the dark,
Or Am I the staircase to the heaven?

Am I the heat to someone's cold body,
Or Am I the bruise no one ever wanted?

Am I the witch in the world of Snow White,
Or Am I the Cinderella in the wicked world?

Am I what the world tells me I am,
Or Am I what I tell myself I really am?

Who's going to decide who am I?
Who's going to solve this great puzzle of mine?


-Some Fries, Some Poetry


Surbhi bathla said…
You're no less than a Queen❤��❤����
Whatever you are...but just stay confident and believe yourself.❤
Unknown said…
So beautiful & inspiring 💪

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