"So, Who's the problem?"

Warm greetings people!! I really hope everyone’s safe and sound. Past few days have been very amazing and I spent some time thinking about certain things. So, here I bring weekly thoughts with poetry & fries. These are just my thoughts and opinions, you are allowed to counter these as long as you are not being hateful.

So, go ahead and read what I have in store for you. 

I've been thinking about how we as humans are the most selfish species to ever exist on this planet. We are selfish especially when it comes to- pleasure. We are often found pleasing ourselves by demeaning others. For example- when you go through a terrible breakup, you end up blaming and cursing the other person in the relationship. When you argue w your parents you blame them for being problematic, and sometimes they are ngl. You can feel like this in literally any relationship you are in, finding yourself cursing either your own self or the other person is a common scenario where we all have been.

But this human tendency to either see ourselves or others as the part of problem is suffocating. It depicts how we are always finding or looking for problems literally everywhere which should ideally get tiring but we humans are made like that. We love to play with the fire. Why do we always have to find 'who the problem is' ?

No, neither you nor the person, none of you are the problem. Each one us is made up of some problematic behaviours which in return elicits the problematic behaviours of the other person. And that's where things fall apart. Instead of blaming yourself and each other, work on yourself individually or sometimes together, try to unlearn those problematic behaviours and then go headlong in your other or sort out things in your existing relationships.

Reminder- None of you are the part of any problem. Everyone is different and sometimes the piece of puzzle does not fit together and that does not mean that either the puzzle or the piece is problematic. Maybe it's just not the right time? Maybe it's just not the right place?

Thank you, if you read it till here.

Follow @somefries.somepoetry on Instagram.


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