Our Differences
The difference between me and you is that,
I am your broken puppet
while you always pretend to be broken.
My words hang around the clouds of your
thoughts like shadows.
Your words hang around my neck like
swords ready to strike.
You are right where I left you
while I ran and got lost in the hue.
I fill your wounds with my silences,
while you dance around everyone's wounds.
I still wish you love but
you wish death upon everyone you said you ever loved.
I can leave you hanging like a strand from my
old t-shirt,
while you can never leave your used t-shirts.
I put bandages on the shattered windows
while you use broken dolls as your puppets.
The difference between you and me is that,
I can heal my broken wings
while you sit there pretending to be
afraid of the invisible storm.
Fries. Some Poetry
Follow @somefries.somepoetry on Instagram.