Men & Women

Warm greetings people! I did not forget about Women's History Month!!! I was just...busy writing some other incomplete poems. 
But anyways, My today's poem is one of the most interesting one's I have ever written. I wanted to write about this topic since alot of time but I did not get any ideas for it. I finished this poem almost 15 minutes ago (haha created the draft for it months ago) and I am proud of it. 

Side Note- 
I am so overwhelmed with all the love you have showered me with on this blog. I don't even know whether I deserve it or not. 
*cries happy tears* Thank you for enabling me to share my heart with you. 

Go ahead and read it! The poem speaks for itself so I don't feel the need to give you a context. 

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Men & Women 

We are already afraid of men,
we don't want to be afraid of our sisters.

But some don't understand the importance
of the blood dripping 
down from our bruised lip. 

Let me tell you what it's like to be a woman
and being afraid of men.

That random man watching my legs,
as I made my way to home in a skirt.

That random man who followed me till he could,
thinking I didn't notice what he was up to.

Those boys on the vehicle eve teasing us,
while I and my sister passed by the road.

I was already afraid of the men,
now I am afraid of the women.

Let me tell you what it's like to be a woman
and being afraid of my fellow women.

The woman who don't trust women,
who blames me for being eve teased.

The woman who pulls down the other woman,
defines heinous crimes as the victim’s fault.

The woman who run on
jealousy and misogyny.

The one who tries to break every woman down,
slut shames every one of us who do not dress up 
or look like her. 

Not all women but some women,
not all men but some men,
make this place haunted for all of us.

We are already afraid of men,
we don't want to be afraid of our sisters.


-Some Fries. Some Poetry

Follow @somefries.somepoetry on Instagram. 


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