An Autumn In Paris
Autumn in Paris
the autumn we spent in Paris,"
you look at me and nod with a smile,
and I can see a glimmer appear on your iris.
We sit in silence, watching one another
as we reminisce the memories together.
The leaves that fell from the trees,
the bushes that bustled as we arrived.
The hopeless love we were in,
the way we laughed at our dirty jokes.
The morning kiss we had,
the night in each other's arms we spent.
The entrée we ate on my birthday.
The visit to Eiffel Tower,
after the hot shower together.
The magic in Paris,
and the love we made on the terrace.
The memories,
the cold shiver down my spine
and the sweet taste of your mouth
lead us back to where we belonged.
Now we sat side by side,
to look out of the window
as we flew back to spend
another autumn in Paris.
Fries, Some Poetry
Follow @somefries.somepoetry on Instagram.