Losing the 'Me'

I warmly welcome everyone to this blog. I have a very special poem to share with you today! 

Losing the 'Me' is a poem about losing your voice or yourself because of the opinions of the others. When everyone's views of you start making too much noise and you become totally helpless to speak out against their views. Hence you completely lose your voice and lose the ability to shut those unsolicited voices out too. 

The context of this poem is a lot longer but I don't want to spoil the 'unknown' for this one.

We have all been there and we know what it feels like. So, go ahead. Read this poem and let me know what you think about it. 

    Illustration via: Pinterest

Losing the 'Me'

I went to a town,
there were all kinds of creatures.

The snakes poisoned me,
the humans threw pebbles at me.

The porkers threw dirt at me,
the skunks left their smell with me.

The birds chirped my name that did not belong to me,
the earthworms crawled all over me.

The silent sleepers snored at me,
the bustling crowds brushed past me.

I drowned into the rivers,
I swam through the pool of blood.

I climbed the highest mountains,
I crawled on the muddiest roads.

Now I no more recognise the me,
I stepped into the town with.


-Some Fries, Some Poetry. 

Follow @somefries.somepoetry on Instagram. 


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