What is Happiness?

Hello there! I hope you guys are doing fine. We are going to talk about happiness today! I was feeling happy and great a day ago, so I started my writing process by this prompt 'What is Happiness'. Also, many people on my IG wanted me to post this piece so, I am finally doing it. 

Here it goes. I tried to thread it in a way, where I cover about happiness through a point of view of a usual human, and part of it is for the people who are suffering in life.
I also want to add that, your happiness need not be something very luxurious, it can be anything ranging from a roof on your head to simply breathing. Don't be hard on yourself.

Go ahead, read it, darlings! 
   Picture Courtesy- Pinterest. 

Happiness is,
a metaphor for that string of hope,
which promises the existence,
of a perfect future,

A throb of all the melodies,
finally coming together to make sense,
of all the bad and good ones.

A ray of sunlight on the cloudy days,
which you cherish till it lasts.
You bask in that ray of sunlight,
because you know,
that the rain is going to arrive soon.

Happiness is,
also a glint of light from the,
vehicles who pass by.
You use that glint of light,
to navigate your way through,
the dingy roads.

It comes like seasons,
only momentarily,
just to stay for a while,
and then leave,
only to return when it's finally her time again.

For some,
it maybe breathing snow on a fiery day,
making through the storm today,
only to face it tomorrow,
finding a flare of light at the end of the tunnel,
still existing with a broken heart,
shattered dreams and,
muffled cries.

-Some Fries, Some Poetry


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