A Drive To Home

Hey there! Welcome back to this blog of some fries & some poetry. 

This piece is named 'A Drive To Home', the context behind this one is how public shaming & bullying has affected me in the past. This piece is brutally honest but welcoming. It's subtle & is one of those pieces I am so proud of. 

Go ahead, read this piece of my heart. Let me know what you think. 
                   Here's a rare shot by me! 

A Drive To Home 

The day you stripped me off my reputation,
publicly dissected my whole being,
made me feel ashamed for loving myself,
just because you couldn't love yourself.

Bruised my soul with your wounding words,
kicked me in the guts,
so I couldn't trust the next person,
live the rest of my life with this hurt you gave me,
which I know, was not mine to keep.
Yes, it was yours. It is yours.

Then, you tried to overpower me,
suppressed my truth by your,
blatant lies,
harassed me, to keep me under you,
because my voice was the only thing, that could hurt your ears 'til they bled.

Don't feel alone, because the
people who saw you do that,
who chose to stay quiet,
who supported you,
share your blame with you.
They weren't human enough,
just like you.

I was shipwrecked off my confidence, yes.
I was hurt, yes.
I was shattered, yes.
But was I weak? Certainly not.
I kept driving the car,
till it couldn't no more.
Then I left the car,
and walked the rest of the way.

Now, I am home,
healthier than ever,
stronger than ever.
talking to the people I love the most,
writing poetry while sipping tea,
eating my favourite food,

While you're out there still finding ways to hurt others,
instead of finding your way towards home.

 - Some Fries, Some Poetry


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